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Let’s keep you safe online

Your organization requires that you add the Savvy Security browser extension to allow safe use of SaaS applications

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Frequently asked questions

What is Savvy?

Savvy is a browser extension that frees you up to focus on your work, while protecting your company's data. It reviews SaaS applications and looks out for potential security threats, giving you real-time security guidance on how to keep safe.

How can Savvy help me?

When Savvy detects a potential threat, it points out the cause of the concern, suggests ways to mitigate the threat, and guides you through them.
For example, the Savvy browser extension:

  • Notifies you when your password is no longer safe because it has been stolen, is easy to guess, or you have used it elsewhere.
  • It helps you avoid exposing sensitive information while uploading data to apps or sending data to others.
  • Provides warnings about possible phishing sites.

What happens after I add the extension?

Savvy runs in the background on your local browser and doesn't interfere with your work. Most of the time, you won't even notice it. It will pop up only when your attention is needed.

Is my personal data shared with anyone?

Not at all. Savvy runs locally within your browser. Personal identifiable information (PII) never leaves your endpoint.

Hey there, mobile user!

To add the extension, please open the link on your work computer.